About 2J Ranch
2J is a family ranch nestled in the heart of the Interlake cattle country. Wildlife is plentiful on the ranch which is home to white tail deer, coyote, black bear, a wide variety of specie of birds and more. Owned and operated by brothers Jesse and Joel Dyck. The brothers grew up on the Lonesum D Ranch near Grunthal Manitoba before purchasing the ranch at the current location in the Interlake area.
Jennette grew up on her family’s ranch Triple C Charolais near Steep Rock MB and Joy grew up near Elfrida AZ where her family owned and operated Salzman Farm and Ranch.
2J is comprised of two parts; a commercial cow calf beef operation and a ranch/performance horse program specializing in raising, training and selling all around horses that get used on the ranch.
Jess oversees the horse program from the breeding to the training and sales.
Jess and Joel work together with the cattle and Joel handles the haying and equipment maintenance side of the operation.
The ranch/performance horse program
We are continually striving to raise good minded athletes with our horse breeding program. We use quarter horse cow bred and race bred lines. We ride all our mares and stallions before putting them into the breeding program so we can have more certainty of what we raise.
The commercial cow/calf operation
We use quality, performance bulls from Triple C Charolais on our commercial cows to achieve growthy buckskin and silver calves.